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Beauty Things I Suck At

Cripes. It's May already. Time flies. Some of my regular readers may have noticed I've gone somewhat 'skew-wiff' just recently with my usual posting habits.  I'm the type of person that loves routine, especially when it comes to days I get my blogging-hat on. For those of you who follow me on twitter you may have seen that I had the ever so fabulous idea of taking it upon myself to write, design and illustrate a children's book for my final project at uni, all in the space of about 4 weeks (smashing idea that, Beth - you've really made things easy for yourself!). I've enjoyed doing it so much but I've spent many a late night sat at my kitchen table, clicking away on Photoshop or covered in watercolour paint - snacking on endless packs of Dairy Milk Giant Buttons as I go (straight out of the fridge - THE one and only way to eat chocolate buttons - none of this room-temperature malarky! ffs..).  It's all coming together though, and for those of you interested I will hopefully have an online version put up on my 'profesh' website over the summer, so I shall provide the link when it's all done and dusted.  I only have another week or so left of having the deadline looming over me, so fear not, I shall be back to my usual schedule pretty soon and back into the swing. Anyway, on a recent rare chance I've had to actually sit on the sofa and browse the interwebs (after completing this book never ever again shall I take for granted the joy of just sitting on a sofa and doing nothing..), I noticed this tag floating around the world of YouTube. Whilst watching a few other beauty fanatics ramble about things that they 'suck at' in the world of cosmetics, it occurred to me that one is actually pretty cruddy when it comes to certain things that crop up in one's beauty regime from time to time.  I thought I'd talk you through 5 things I just cannot get the grip of..

French Plait | Can I do a french plait to save my life? Well the answer is basically, no. No I can't do a french plait to save my life. Ask me to do a fishtail braid or a regular bog-standard plait and i'll whip one up for you in a swish of a puppy dog's tail, but ask me to do a simple french plait and I'm useless to you. They're just far to fiddly for my little hands to fathom.

Eyebrows | If you read my Advice to my Teenage Self post (link here) you will know about my lack of arch on my eyebrows. It's taken me a very long time to get eyebrows that look remotely substantial ever since I got too familiar with my Tweezermans (wow that sounds iffy doesn't it..I can assure you it's not). I'm pretty nifty with eyebrow wax and my brow gels now (the HD brows palette is also a godsend) but I can never, ever get them to look the same. I know that people harp on about them being 'sisters not twins', but sometimes mine don't even look like they're friends let alone from the same family.  It's very rare that I'll do my eyebrows and think I've done a swish job of it. 

False Eyelashes | Although I do wear them from time to time and I love how they look, I hate applying false eyelashes.  I somehow always end up ruining the makeup I've already applied.  When I was 17/18 I went through a stage where I wore eyelashes every single day. I even went as far as to wear them on a flight and they absolutely wrecked my peepers (if you have sensitive eyes I really don't recommend you do it!).  I have such a love/hate relationship with them and guarantee if I'm getting ready for a night out you will find me sulking in the bathroom because my false eyelashes are giving my grief.  If I'm in a rush, I can't apply them.  Bare in mind I've had a lot of experience with them so I should be a dab-hand by now. I do the whole apply glue, waft hands in the air and apply when tacky thing but to no avail. Fiddly things don't mesh well with me.

Eyeliner flicks | Okay. So maybe I'm not completely rubbish with this but it's just the whole 'flicky' thing that has me in a right kerfuffle. It takes so much concentration and I get so close to the mirror I might as well be in it.  Liquid eyeliner is my staple 'go to' makeup look but the flicky-bits never ever turn out the same. Much like my eyebrows.  And don't get me started on gel liner. Just no. I'll stick to my Loreal Super Liner Ultra Slim thanks..much more Beth-friendly.
Getting My Hair Cut |  I've spoken about this on my blog before, but me and hair dressing salons do not get on well together. When I was younger, you could have sat me in any dentist's chair, waved drills and tooth picks in my face til your heart's content and as long as I got a sticker at the end of it then I would quite happily sit there and twiddle my thumbs like butter wouldn't melt - but sit me in a hairdressing chair and I'd morph into a devil child. Not the screamy-shouty type I might add, but I certainly cried one heck of a lot as soon as I saw someone with a pair of scissors, and used to shake my head and repeat the words 'don't cut much off' until the ordeal was over.  I caused a bit of a fuss, to say the least, and I can imagine a few of my past hairdressers decided to take a day off sick when they saw my name down on the books... There's just something I don't like very much about having a pair of scissors near my hair and fast-forward a few years and I still dread it. I still have a bit of an 'OHMYGOD don't cut that much off' moment every time I see a centimetre fall to the floor. Therefore, I don't go for trims as much as I should and split ends are probably having a field day on my barnet. I'm quite aware hair grows faster and healthier with regular trims and I'm probably doing myself no favours, but I often take to cutting it myself with my own hairdressing scissors. In fact, I don't think I've been in over a year now. Slap my wrist and call me a bad beauty blogger but I just hate getting trims and make no secret of it. 

So, there's a select few of the things I suck at.
What beauty things are you less than nifty with? 

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