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Castledew Diacut Eyes 9 Colors

Wow, I'm totally in love with these Castledew Diacut Eyes 9 Color palettes! They're absolutely stunning! These came out prior to the Diacut Eyes 6 Colors, so I've had them, or at least first 5 palettes, on hands for a while now but had been shying away from using them for the longest time. Having 9 colors in each palette just add up to too many color combos and that was jut too many decisions for me ^.^ But shy no more as I'm determined to try and wear every single color in each palette at least once. They're just too pretty for me to keep ignoring and now that I've used them, I can't wait to get my hands on that brand new palette #E907 Pure Angelism as well! Want!!!

Castledew Diacut Eyes 9 Colors
***Picture from VOV Korea.

Anyway, as mentioned before this line currently has up to 7 palettes, from 901 to 907, each consists of 3x3 square block powder shadows that are either baked into the same pan (BE901, BE903, BE905, and BE906) or pressed into 9 separate pans (E902, E904, and the newest E907). I am only reviewing 3 palettes today, the E904 Romatic Garnet DiaBE905 Blackish Smoky, and BE906 Airy Bloom Dia as their overall color schemes seem most appropriate for the spring season with the few greens and blues. I usually avoid greens and blues for eye shadows as it is difficult for me to find the right shades of green and blue that would go well with my skin tone, but for some reason I was curious to try these ^.^ 

Pictures taken indoor with flash, unless otherwise noted.
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