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The absurdity of William Shattner going where many men have gone before as a little old leprechaun given a pot of gold by Jeff Bezos

 Joe Jupiter

   Neurotic and eccentric lame old actor form he lame old bad sixties program called Star Trek was invited and somehow manged to be brought into space and this left many people pondering how and why the fuck do we have to have the artist formerly known as Captain Turd going into space 2021. How is this relevant  or even necessary and I have a suggestion to those who pushed the idea of William Shatbrain and funding him into space and maybe you can do this  wish  for others in their late eighties and nineties and on the brink of the after life. I personally would like to see someone fund an send Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi not fifteen minutes and a return to earth but a one way full

trip to the planet Mercury.  Shattner going ten minutes into space is a non story and a stupid one at that and we have a death bed wish list William Shattner can make with Black Backpage whores Monique and Latisha and the days Lord King  William  has of flying anything are winding down and coming to an end, The fact that someone of money and influence ( Jeff Bezos) would feel the Green and need of getting the former Star wars star Captain Kirk into space 

 This idea of sending William Shattner in space is stupider that bringing back a Captain Commando kids television program with Andrew Dice Clay and Dave Chappel reenacting the various Captain Commando television combats from the Honey moons and this is the Captain Commando stupid news of the year. Shattner spending ten minutes in near orbit provided nothing for the troubles we face on Earth. This bald Amazon maniac would rather pay this old silly actor than the workers who make Jeff Amazon so filthy wealthy on paper.
Monique and Latisha doing the death bed wish dance for old pest William Shattner

Jeff Bezos next goal is shrinking William into the size of a tarrigrade temporary and then having him ride a microchip spaceship  and land on  Jeff Bezos's bald chrome. William Shrunken being a microscopic being would be spectacular as this guy was always a bad actor and had friends where he found a way to be a little leprechauns as he looks at the other end of a rainbow and perhaps no less deserving actor ever existed than this jackass. William Shattner is a little leprechaun and is near death and Monique and Latish a have done a death dance for this little leprechaun

 William Shattner likes got some space microbes in his ninety five year old body and the death bed wish list should be in writing as Latisha and Monique due a death dance for  Shattner and we predict the fool will be dead within a year after this short trip and fuel wasting publicity stunt by the con man Jeff Bezos and the continuing waste and spending subsidies for the rockers that provide us with little results of their wasteful tax dodging money diversions-- aside from anyone wanting to call sending a geriatric old actor in space to float his old farts for a few minutes as a accomplishment.

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