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My week

How cute is Will
 Simple costume from Asda.
He is still not walking, but very confident on his feet. 
I spent £5.30 at our local market on Wednesday
The 4 small ever greens I have planted into one pot, which is in the greenhouse, I would love these to bush out, I have a pot next to our back door, which next spring I want to use, once these are fuller, I will cut to make topiary, I want them in a button shape, not to high from the top of the pot. 
I have knitted myself a chunky little scarf
Perfect for under my winter jacket, I have an allergy to lanolin, and can't wear any wool, so winter scarfs are always a problem. This is knitted with chunky woven Tshirt cotton. 
Another good book, I loved this story, it was a great read to the end, this is the second book I have read by Debbie Howells, I will look for a few more titles. 
Carrot and coriander soup
We had to make more soup, a friend stayed for lunch one day, so our leftover soups are all gone. Last week we got cheap bags of carrots and tomatoes, so we got a pack of fresh coriander, added an onion and a couple peppers going soft, it taste brilliant, and we have enough to last for this week's lunches. We are still eating leftovers, last night we had cold beef with wedge potatoes, and a mixture of roasted tomatoes, sweet peppers and mushrooms, it was a lovely meal. Tonight we are having turkey pie with cranberry sauce, stuffing and parma ham, all mixed together and baked in the oven. 
It's a sunny and cold morning here, lovely blue skies, I have a line of washing blowing in the breeze, nothing to do in the garden, everywhere is tidy, I do pick up the fallen leaves and pop them on my raspberry plot, the huge magnolia leaves are not falling yet.
I have no plans to go out, Will is coming for a couple of hours this afternoon, so play time, it might be nice to take him for a walk around our park, he loves to see the children and dogs running around. 

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