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The scent of June

“There was something rather blousy about roses in full bloom, something shallow and raucous, like women with untidy hair”  - Daphne Du Maurier

Rose Felicia
Welcome to our garden in June, it always my favourite month in the garden when there is an abundance of flowers and the air is full with the scent of perfume especially from the many roses. The quote by Daphne du Maurier appeals to me too especially as my hair is often unruly, although I have never previously associated it with a rose!

 Rose Fruhlings Gold
I always have to stop when I see a rose and give it a sniff!

Louise Odier rose

 It has also been a wet start to the month, but the rain drops do look beautiful!

Even a spider was enjoying the Nevada rose -we have many geraniums that are planted at the base of the roses, see posts from previous years here and here. The scent in our garden at this time of year is also provided by Philadelphus (mock orange) - we have two varieties the gold leaf Philadelphus Coronarius Aureus, which flowers slightly earlier and  is now just starting to go over.....

 and the more common variety Belle Etoile, which seems to have come into flower earlier than usual.

It is also good to bring in perfume into the house too.....

This weekend we have been out on our annual outing picking elderflowers to make cordial - the only problem is what to make with them! The recipes over at The Quince tree are so wonderful, ice-cream, ice lollies and elderflower drizzle cake - I  just want to make them all ! Our daughter is returning home at the end of the week after 3 years at University, so I will have to try and produce some of these delights to welcome her home! How is your garden growing?  Do you have any scent in your garden at the moment?

Picking elderflowers with glimpses of the sea!

While we wait a day for the elderflower cordial to be ready,we also had the first gooseberries from the garden, which I baked slowly in the oven and the elderflower blossom gave a wonderful subtle smell and taste.

 Thank you for all your lovely comments they do always brighten my day!
Sarah x

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