In the next weeks I will show you my figures for the Buçaco battle. This post will cover Merle 1st division, Sarrut and Graindorge brigades(Reynier 2nd corps). Two brigades will be showned as Graindorge only had the 4eme Léger regiment in its ranks, so no need to show it alone.
Sarrut to the left; Graindorge to the right.
Some notes on basing: The french are in three rows as they really fought, while Luso-British allies are in two rows as you will see.
Sarrut brigade: 2eme Léger, in front, is made of ESCI Imperial Guards bodies with shakos from their line infantry. The Brigade Co, Gen.Sarrut, is a ESCI figure made out of several parts. To the rear, in column, marches the 36eme de Ligne, HAT figures only.
Merle itself. The Revell mounted figure from their Imperial coated Grenadiers with added GreenStuff to turn it into a general; orderlie is Italeri.
Graindorge Brigade with the sole 4éme Léger. Zvezda figures and ESCI for Carabiniers. The Brigade Co is a metal figure by Irregular Miniatures.
Santo António do Cântaro Chapel. From this place departed the columns of Sarrut and Graindorge to the heights of the Buçaco mountain.
This model was made in card after many visits to the place. If you want also to build this piece pay attention to the detail of the rear part of the chapel having its right side extended to the left.
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