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Comfort Purchase: Libram Mysterium

I've been clobbered by the flu for five days now. I figure 2d4 more days before I start to feel better. In the meantime I look like the guy on the left, while my wife looks like the figure on the right as she tries to take care of me.

Me: I don't want to go on the cart!
Wife: Oh, don't be such a baby!

Obviously though, the fastest way to get over the flu is through comfort buying. So I just picked up a copy of Libram Mysterium from Pulp Mill Press, on sale at http://www.drivethrufiction.com/. I plan to dive right into it as soon as my eyeballs are no longer on fire. A few more comfort purchases should help speed that up.

LIBRAM MYSTERIUM: Good for what ails you.

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