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Out of Uniform, Out of Mind

Scott Horton types at the 19th century American magazine that isn't The Atlantic. But he's no Megan McArdle or Matthew Yglesias, so it's OK. Here's the most inflammatory part of his 25 September item, referring to General Ricardo Sanchez, U. S. Army (ret'd.):

For three months now, Sanchez has been making off-the-record statements. He eventually came to the conclusion, he says, that Republican politics had trumped the national security interests of the United States in the execution of plans in Iraq. The Bush Administration had not planned to win in Iraq, but simply to keep a war running so Bush could run around and play “war president.” That is as devastating a criticism as any general has made of a president since the days of Douglas MacArthur. Unlike MacArthur’s criticisms, however, it has the advantage of being accurate.
"Mission Accomplished!"

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